
1987- 1988 Ankara University
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Dairy and Food Technologies

1988- 1994 METU Faculty of
Architecture, Department of Industrial Design

1988- 1991 Ankara French
Cultural Center French Diploma

2012- 2014 Hasan Kalyoncu
University Master of Business Administration

2018- 2019 Başkent
Communication Academy Diction Training

2019- 2020 Baskent
Communication Academy Voice and Dubbing Training 

With the membership agreement of TOBB ETU Joint Education Program in 2012, she continues as a intern trainer. During this period, she offered internship opportunities to numerous interior architecture and design students in office and construction sites. She also continues to train interns from different universities in Ankara and Istanbul.

2014-2016 – ATILIM UNIVERSITY Instructor

Staff Computer Aided Design (RHINO drawing) Course

Computer Aided Presentation (3D Max ) Course

Design for the Disabled Course

Workshop on “Overcoming Obstacles” … Within the scope of Atılım University “Design for the Disabled” course

2014- The Role of Design in the Process of Creation, Management and Marketing and Differentiation Through Design

Master Thesis: The Role of Design in Creating Brands and Products and Differentiation Through Design

Publisher: Gazi Kitabevi

2019- COMPUTER AIDED TECHNICAL DRAWING AND RHINOCEROS 4-5-6 Workbook with Turkish explanation and sample illustrations

Publisher: Cinius Kitabevi

She continues to provide services to students with private lessons, project coaching and model workshops.

She continues training and practice within the workshops by collaborating with experts of the subject.


Aziziye Mahallesi Komşu Sokak 3/9
Çankaya / Ankara / Turkey

tel: 0 312 438 60 64


Our Services

Technical Drawing Rules and Rhinoceros (V4 - V5 - V6)

Design in the Process Creation - Menagement - Production - Marketing

TOBB (Economy and Technology Universty) Joint Education Program Membership